Comments on: Pros and Cons of Running in the Rain Your Running, Fitness and Multisport Community in the Philippines Tue, 25 Dec 2018 12:06:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: enzo Tue, 25 Dec 2018 12:06:01 +0000 Filipinos have this mentality from primary age, to not train if its raining. Its best to train in the rain. Cause on the day of the competition you have to be best prepared for any weather.

By: Can E. Bal Thu, 12 Jul 2018 03:32:05 +0000 When I run, I do get chaffed skin especially under the arms and on my nipples! My solution? Scotch tape! Thank you for sharing this! I was smiling from ear to ear when I came to the Pros part especially about “feeling like a kid again”! Yey! I’m a 50-year-old kid!

By: Red Axel Tue, 10 Jul 2018 04:45:38 +0000 I love running in the rain, you are right on all points above. What I would probably add based from recent experience, is that, if possible and as the circumstances allow it (i.e. safe place to do it, as say in a track oval or at areas that one is quite familiar with), to do some barefoot running or at most with some sandals on, preferably those previously popular running (minimalist) sandals. I recently did this on a short run one rainy morning (from the resort we were staying – located further inland – away from the beach – to the beach – about 6 km going to and back) – and with some portions of the road, I wore a pair of old sandals (plain Sandugo sandals), but about a kilometer from the beach, it was dirt road, stony and muddy, and I simply removed the sandals and ran barefoot up to the beach – too bad the waves were so high that time – habagat was in full swing – it was more of a surfers kind of beach – and after a short breather went back to the resort, initially on barefoot – and once reaching paved road, wore the sandals again – and then upon coming back to the resort where we were staying, swam in the pool to cool down (just to get my swim fix for the day) – what a morning – was glad I did it (by the way, I just wore a pair of jammers, a swim cap, and goggles, and the sandals – that morning – some locals who saw me – had smiles on, perhaps thinking who is this crazy dude running bare torso on a rainy morning – as I greeted them “good morning”, including those folks gathering bangus fry/fingerlings along the shore – as I got curious enough to approach them and ask what they were doing).
