CrossfitMNL helped me achieve a new PR in KOTR 2011


I still remembered 3 months ago when I was talking to Miggy about how CrossfitMNL can help me run better and stronger and aim for a new PR in a 21K run for adidas KOTR 2011, I was a bit skeptic at first but eventually jumped into the box, and ever since i became addicted to Crossfit, see my previous article about it here.

I admit, after I started to train with CrossfitMNL my running mileage significantly decreased, my few times a week run became once or twice a week, what I did was to try to squeeze in some 10K races in-between my trainings but nothing close to the 21K mark. So come 2 weeks before race day, i feel a certain sense of panic!


But I’m here now, writing this, pain free with a new medal, proud to have set a new PR for my 21K run at 2:38 shaving off 3 mins from my first 21K last March 2011

And this is how I believe I was able to achieve this:


1. I got stronger leg and core muscles now! It helped me endure the lower body muscle strain I got running for more than 2 hours.
– In CrossfitMNL we do a LLLLOOOTTT of LEG exercises, squats, jumps, burpees, before I was the type that hates doing leg exercises but now my legs are stonger then ever!
– We also do a lot of Core and AB exercises like medicine ball sit ups, Russian Twists, Toes to Bar and V pull ups that attributed to my stronger core


2. A Stronger Heart – For 3 months, We have been training at a very high intensity, almost always reaching and working out at our peak heart rate every time!

Like I mentioned, I was a bit terrified because of my lack of mileage so, we maintained a steady pace of 7:30/km most of the time, I was quite amazed that my heart rate maintained at Zone 3-4 even at the latter part of the course. Not only that, we where able to push our pace to 6:40/km for the last kilometer for a strong finish.


3. Great Friends! – People that runs together stays together!
It’s a joy to have paced with friends, running while catching up on some stories and throwing a little bit of jokes in between, it made running the 2 and a half hours not bearable, but enjoyable!

Well, that’s my very short re-cap of the race, thanks for everyone that dropped by the booth for some chit-chat and pictures! See some of the pictures here:

-> Pinoy Fitness Booth at adidas KOTR 2011

Oh btw, I’ll still continue training with CrossfitMNL, so if you do decide to try it out as well, visit the official website at and schedule yourself a trial for only P200, they have recently opened a Makati/Fort branch (will post exact address soon) as well! So Hope to see you in the Box!



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